Video: Maybe Next Time They Can Give Robbie Knievel Room to Slow Down After Jumping 30 Golf Carts?


Robbie Knievel jumped over 30 golf carts on Saturday, but the bigger trick was attempting to slow down with what looked like about 12 inches of pavement after the landing ramp.

Video, taken by fans at the event, show Knievel easily clearing the 30 golf carts (ummm, how did Palm Springs golfers get around without them on Saturday?) – but then he is forced to slide and crash his bike into some hay bales, rocks, and a palm tree:

After sliding, Knievel then stayed there for several minutes before finally getting up to a smattering of applause from the crowd. No word if Knievel had any injuries.

Here is an unedited version, shot from another angle:

Really, wouldn’t everyone have been fine with 25 golf carts and room to slow down afterwards?

Update: Knievel went to the emergency room following the stunt.