The Most Searched For Halloween Costumes by State

Halloween is coming and so you might be looking for a cool costume. Where do you look for inspiration? The internet, of course! And what people are searching for is absolutely ridiculous.

Google trends from the last 11 years have been compiled by the Estately Blog to show “what costumes users in each state search for more than users in any other state.”

costumes google searches

And while Elvis in Tennessee and Princess Leia in Utah are rad choices, what the hell is up with all the pregnant nuns in California?  Also, thanks for keeping it classy Texas, I can’t even begin to comprehend all the slutty pumpkins in Illinois & potatoes in Ohio, and what the fuck Louisiana?  Gun?  Just gun?  Is that even a costume?

sexy gun costume

Ahh, so it is.

And yes, I just searched for it on Google .

(H/T Daily Dot)