Is it possible to stay at a Palm Springs Airbnb without blasting music?

The Desert Sun is out with some info about short-term rentals in the city with some of it sounding good (less citations issued this year) and some bad (the number of complaint calls is up from last year), but there was one thing that stands out in the article and, I am going to speak loudly here so that you can hear it over the noise in your neighborhood: THE TOURISTS ARE SPENDING A LOT OF TIME BLASTING THEIR DAMN MUSIC!

Music is by far the biggest driver of complaints and subsequent citations – city data show that 89% of citations issued after complaints to the vacation rental hotline were for loud music through the first three quarters of 2019.

Damn, dude.  Can no one from out of town enjoy the pool without their Spotify blasting anymore??

Anyhoo, these airpods are great. Try ’em.

No seriously, as someone who just wants to get some sleep, can you please try them.