The Important Question is a recurring thing we do on Fridays here at Cactus Hugs to get input on food, places, and things in the Coachella Valley from the people who know it best: you!

Every year, locals in the Coachella Valley are treated to a couple of heatwaves where summer temperatures – which are normally ridiculously high – get all the way up to laughably insane levels. One of those moments is here, as temperatures are rising throughout the weekend should hit above 120 next week. Oh joy. So, what are your plans to beat the heat stay alive and, hopefully, not go insane while doing it?

The easiest thing to do would be to simply leave.  Unfortunately, commitments like jobs and family combined with a lack of funds to actually get the hell out of the desert for a bit can make that a challenge.

So, if you are staying in town, let’s discuss what your plans are to survive the hell on earth temps we will be treated to over the next few days.  Let’s discuss in the comments.