Here are the two proposed routes for the next La Quinta Ironman Triathlon traffic nightmare


The City of La Quinta will vote on March 19 if they will once again host the traffic and business nightmare that is the Ironman (spoiler: they will). Monday, they released the two proposed routes for the event with each having plenty of negatives but also a lot of posi… actually wait, nevermind.

Here’s Option A:

And here’s option B:

And you’re probably saying at this point, “is this the same map?”  No, it’s mostly the same but Route A starts at Miles and heads to Jefferson, while Route B also starts at Miles, but then foes to Dune Palms and 48th before going back to Jefferson.

And while the routes will once again fuck up traffic and resident’s lives during the busy Holiday Season so a few hundred people can bike, swim, and run through town, the city does have a plan to get the word out this time which includes publishing details in the “The Gem,” putting flyers on countertops and social media posts which probably won’t include the city’s official hashtag: #DoYouEvenLaQuintaBro.