20 People Who Should Replace Ginger Jeffries on KESQ


With Ginger Jeffries moving a few channels up the dial, KESQ is now left to find a replacement to give you your 7-day-forecast. Now sure, most of you can grab the forecast off of the internet any damn time you want – but, the news industry still thinks a person guessing weather on the teevee every night for 7 minutes is important.

So, I have put together a list of 20 ideal candidates to be KESQ’s next weather guesser.

  1. Rob Bradley
  2. Jon Stewart (he is available now)
  3. Jennifer Aniston’s rad wedding cake topper
  4. My iPhone’s weather app
  5. The guy on KMIR who almost dropped a deuce giving the holiday forecast
  6. The bird who did drop a deuce on Joe Galli
  7. Skeleton Weather Man!
  8. Hilarious, unintentional Salton Sea-phallus freeze frames
  9. Someone not in their garage
  10. Suzanne Somers (she is available now)
  11. Just rerun tapes of Ginger from last year since the weather in the Coachella Valley really does not change much.  “It’s hot”, “It is warming up”, ‘Heat warning today”, etc. on repeat.
  12. Yanet Garcia (who the internet just loves for some reason)
  13. Jerry Steffan (but only if he does the segment while dancing)
  14. The Palm Springs mobile recliner guy
  15. Harpo The Clown  (seriously though, how fun would that be to watch!)
  16. Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet (he will soon be available, but he might be costly)
  17. Danielle Gersh
  18. A collections of local weather memes
  19. Ollie Williams
  20. President Barack Obama (he will soon be available and also living in town)

Your move KESQ.

Did I miss anyone or have something to add?  Let me know in the comments below.